Central Highlands Development Corporation Privacy Policy

Central Highlands Development Corporation Ltd (CHDC) only collects and retains necessary personal information. Personal information will be collected, retained and used in accordance with the Australian Privacy Principles (APP) set out in the Privacy Act 1988 (Cth) (Privacy Act). This policy sets out how we collect, use, disclose and otherwise manage your personal information. 

This policy applies to any person’s personal information collected and retained by CHDC excluding acts and practices which relate directly to the records of our former and current employees.



Where possible, we will collect the personal information directly from the individual with whom the personal information relates. However, in some circumstances personal information may be provided or sourced indirectly though other mediums including but not limited to:

a) a work colleague of the individual

b) a network, connection or other third party of the individual


Generally, the personal information collected about individuals includes:

a) full name 

b) title

c) company name

d) company type 

e) position / job title

f) contact information 

g) digital recordings including but not limited to photographs and / or video recordings 

h) email / electronic signature

i) driver’s licence and other photographic information

j) boards, memberships or professional associations 

k) business history, circumstances and background information

l) business or individual financial information

m) website information such as your IP address or domain name

n) any other personal information required to provide a required or identified service 

Information is collected about visitors to the website which is used for the purpose of improving the website capabilities and understating current market trends. 

Digital recordings (i.e. photographs and / or video recordings) of individuals are taken and may be used on our websites, publications and social media or by other media and marketing channels. We will take reasonable measures to obtain an individual’s consent for the use of photographs and video recordings whether by our media consent form, verbal consent from the individual or by other means necessary.


CHDC will take reasonable steps to ensure personal information collected is used for its primary purpose. Although personal information that is collected varies, depending on the particular projects and/or service being provided, generally, personal information of individuals will be collected and retained by CHDC for the purpose of:

a) distribution of our or other important updates 

b) contacting the individual for the provision of or to provide information 

c) using the information for individuals who attend or participate in our events and / or projects (i.e. name badges)

d) contacting the individual for the evaluation of or input for our events and / or projects 

e) any other means necessary for us to provide a required or identified service 


Generally, personal information collected by CHDC is used for the purpose for which it’s collected and retained. 

Individual’s personal information will not be disclosed or sold to any outside party unless:

a) consent is provided from the individual with whom the personal information relates 

b) authorised by law or court order

c) personal information is provided by CHDC to an agent, contractor or professional advisor who are performing a service for CHDC

d) any proceedings between CHDC and the individual arise


We take reasonable steps to ensure that the personal information collected is accurate, complete and up-to-date. Personal information can be updated by the individuals themselves or through the individual advising us that their personal information has changed and provide CHDC with updated details. If the personal information provided to CHDC is not accurate, complete or otherwise up-to-date, we may not be able to provide the individual with information or service they seek.  


At the individual’s request, CHDC will take reasonable steps to correct personal information if it can be established that the personal information is not accurate, complete or otherwise up-to-date and upon proof of identity.

Individuals can request the following:

a) personal information to be updated

b) personal information amended to remove information the individual does not wish for us to retain and use 

c) a copy of all personal information retained by CHDC
d) to be removed from some or all of CHDC’s mailing lists

If the personal information provided to CHDC is not accurate, complete or otherwise up-to-date, CHDC may not be able to provide individuals with information sought or preferences. 

CHDC may, at our discretion, charge the individual a reasonable fee where access is provided. Individuals requesting access to their personal information will be advised of the any cost in advance.


The security of an individual’s personal information is important to CHDC. Reasonable precautions will be taken by CHDC to ensure personal information, whether it be submitted or collected electronically, verbally or by other means, is as secure as possible from loss, misuse, and unauthorised access, modification or disclosure. However, we do not guarantee that personal information cannot be accessed by an unauthorised person or that unauthorised disclosures will not occur.

CHDC staff who have access to individuals’ personal information are subject to strict confidentiality obligations and are responsible for ensuring they comply with the our Privacy Policy.


CHDC will make this privacy policy available on our website and may update to this policy at any time without prior notice.


All enquires, concerns or complaints about our privacy policy must be made in writing to the CHDC Privacy Officer (details below). A response to any enquires, concerns or complaints will be given within a reasonable timeframe. 

Address: PO Box 1425, EMERALD Qld 4720

Telephone: (07) 4982 4386

Alternatively, in the unlikely event the individual’s privacy enquiry, concern or complaint cannot be resolved between CHDC and the individual, the individual may take their complaint to the Australian Information Commissioner.


Visit the Office of the Australian Information Commissioner’s website for more information about privacy in general.



Central Highlands Development Corporation referred to in this policy as we, us or our.

Note: CHDC manages the Central Queensland Highlands Visitor Information Centre, and visitor servicing counters at Blackwater, Springsure and Duaringa, to which this policy also applies.

Privacy Policy

A statement that discloses the way CHDC collects, uses, discloses and manages an individual’s personal information


The fee payable by the individual to CHDC


A natural person 

Personal information 

Anything that directly identifies an individual including but not limited to personal or sensitive information or opinions 

Contact information 

Any information that can be used to get in contact with or identify an individual (i.e. phone, mobile, email, address etc.)

Unauthorised person 

A person who is no permitted direct access (e.g. a robber or hacker)

Central Highlands Development Corporation (CHDC) has made every effort to ensure that the details in the privacy policy are correct at the time of distribution and cannot be held liable for any inaccuracy or misrepresentation, whether by inclusion, omission, change or withdrawal of services without notice. CHDC reserves the right to amend privacy policy at any time without notice.

T:  07 4982 4386 | 76 Egerton Street, Emerald  QLD  4720 | PO BOX 1425, Emerald  QLD  4720